
Monday, January 04, 2010

Many faces of Kaylin


NAS Sketch #90
Supplies-CS DCWV and The Paper Co; PP by SEI; Punch by Fiskars; ink by Colorbox; flowers by AC and Queen & Co; Brads by MM and Cricut Alphalicious. TFL
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  1. Brilliant work Cindy the pictures look great in this layout

    Lorraine x

  2. Fantastic layoutI wanted to thank you for joining us on the Scrapbook Challenges New Years blog hop. Also for leaving me such a wonderful comment on my blog & following me. I do appreciate it very much.

    I hope you will continue to play with us over on Scrapbook Challenges - we have a lot of great thing coming up this year & visiting my blog. :)!

  3. Great LO!!! LOVE all the picturs you used :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog during the Scrapbook Challenges hop.

  4. Wonderful layout!! This is a great one for multi photos! I love it!!


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