
Sunday, July 25, 2010

The nome

I guess this it what couples with no children do to entertain themselves. They dress up a nome and bring him to family gatherings dressed according to that occasion. Well my DH's grandma turned 90 and so I was put in charge of the nome decorating. So I'm including a before photo and then the after photo is with grandma and my nephew. Also in the picture is the card I made her. Since I altered something I'm going to use the nome for the challenge at Incy Wincy. TFL


  1. Hi Cindy

    Your comment on the Incy Wincy challenge blog intrigued me to take a peek, and haha what a fab alteration project!!

    Gorgeous and I hope the party went well, they look like they are enjoying it and the gnome too!

    Sarah x

  2. Hee hee What a cute idea thanks for joining us at Incy Wincy Hugs Nikki

  3. Cool idea :) Looks like you all had fun :)

    Thank you for joining us at Incy Wincy :)

    Winners are revealed in a few hours :)

    my blog


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