
Friday, July 01, 2011

Christmas Cards all year Round monthly challenge

A new monthly challenge at Christmas Cards all year Round. It is quite simple to play at this lovely blog. All you need to do is make five Christmas cards using this months theme (they can be five of the same cards or five different as long as they follow the theme) and link them up to Mr Linky for your chance to win a wonderful prize. The following is this months theme/challenge: 

July Challenge 
With summer weddings coming up, white should be a main "colour" and then we'lll need some bling - gems, plearls, glitter, etc. Added challenge for fun - Flower(s) of some kind too!!! 

And these are my examples:

The silver paper is actually glitter paper and then there are rhinestones in the center of the those snowflakes)

(There is sparkle on the middle sticker and the ribbon too)

(hard to see but my sparkle is on the white die cuts. I sprayed them with Perfect Pearls and water. Can you also see the tulle that I used just under the green paper? I cut it using the Cuttlebug and a Spellbinders die.)

(The hats on these snowmen are "colored" in using Stickles and the fiber is also sparkly)

So I hope to see you join in on this months challenge. Check out the other DT members examples for inspiration on the CCAYR blog.
See you tomorrow with.... I'm not sure yet.  

Then Sunday is I Did It Creations new weekly challenge. This past weeks challenge has been Christmas in June which you only have one day left to complete and get posted for a chance at a free digital image. 

If you would like a Christmas digital freebie stop on over to SNR (Scrapbook News and Reviews Groups) at the group that I am an administrator of  representing I Did it Creations. Join the group and write on the wall or send me a message that you would like a freebie. And poof just like that I can get you one. I have been trying like crazy to get people over there to play but have been getting the sound of crickets at night instead. So if you are not a member at SNR it is worth the sign up. If you are worried that you will get a bunch of emails from joining you can set your settings so you don't receive any emails from them. Basically 

I'm saying it's quick, easy and painless for you to join. Join a few groups get a few freebie images here and there. You can have your own photo album there as well that you can share with others by giving them a link to look through your creations. The service is there but not many people are using it. 
Scrapbook News and Reviews or SNR - HERE's a link to the home page. They have a tab that tells you how SNR works. And if you need help such as navigating through a group I have a tutorial already made and would be glad to share it with you. 

Best wishes for a happy holiday weekend. My husband was diagnosed with pneumonia this morning. Poor thing is not doing well. So any prayers that he's able to fight it off with antibiotics at home would be really appreciated. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job on the cards this month Cindy and love the variety in your examples with this challenge! Makes me want to go play!!!


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