
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween tag

I made this tag at a class I taught on Saturday. I like making tags because you can set them aside and use them on layouts or cards or just start a tag collection. That would make a great Your Story book: a book of tags. It could serve as inspiration at a later date or to just marvel at the lovely tags you have made. hmmmm

Anyway, this is a Tim Holtz tag that I sprayed with water and Perfect Pearls. I then crumbled the tag up into a little ball and smoothed it out afterwards. Then I took the distressing ink pads Red Barn and Wild Honey and rubbed them over the tag. I used lighter colors so the black would really stand out. After that I used an Inkadinkado leaf flourish stamp with Colorbox black ink and stamped the side so a little of the image went off the edge. The Trick or Treat stamp is a friend of mine and she doesn't keep them in the package-so Idk who makes that stamp. Then I took some Pearl X and dipped my finger in and smeared it along the edges. After it dried I placed the ribbon (Fancy Pants) through the top and the epoxy stickers in the left lower corner. The striped, Oct and 31 stickers are by Making Memories.

Thanks for taking a look at my Halloween tag
Simon Says Stamp and Show(MO/10-17)-stripes
Oldie but a Goodie(TU/10-18)-Forever autumn (flourish stamp is old and the stickers too.)
Papertake Weekly(TU/10-18)-Spooky Hues
Cheerful Stamp Pad(MO#27)-Halloween
Crafty Boots(MO/10-17)-Halloween
Paper Creations Ink (MO#11)-Halloween
Addicted to Stamps (SU#15)-Halloween
Fashionable Stamping Challenge(SU#6)-Anything but a card
Gingerloft (SU#27)-Halloween
Stamptacular Sunday(SU#134)-Anything goes


  1. Wow, Cindy, this is really super terrific! I love everything about it. I really enjoy my Inkadinkado stamps and this was is beautiful. Great artistic expression shows on this one!
    Happy to say I think Blogger is done being mad at me (LOL) and has let me follow you!

  2. Lovely tag, such a lot of work has gone into it.

    Thanks for playing along with us at Crafty Boots Challenge.


  3. Thanks for joining our challenge Oldie But A Goodie with this great entry, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. Very pretty, great job! Thanks for joining us at Stamptacular Sunday this week
    hugs Julie P

  5. Great Tag, well worth all your hard work.
    Good luck in the PCI Challenge

    Fiona (GDT)

  6. Great tag, like the way you've scrunched it up then smoothed it out again! Thank you for joining in with the Papertake Weekly spooky hues challenge, Mary G x

  7. gorgeous tag Hun!! Love the colours and your stamped image! thank you for joining our challenge at Stamptacular Sunday, hugs, martina

  8. A beautiful tag with a wonderful background. Thanks for joining the Fashionable Stamping Challenges.

  9. What a wonderful show of techniques that you have used...and it all works so beautifully together. I love the pearl x finish too. Thankyou for joining us this fortnight at Fashionable Stamping Challenges.
    Dot x

  10. WHOOOP WHOOOP what a WONDERFUL tag....and EVERYBODY loves a tag!!

    Thanks BUNCHES for playing along with this weeks Challenge..."STRIPES" and the teamies of Simon Says Stamp and Show!!!

  11. Beautiful tag! Thanks for joining us at stamptacular sunday and I wish you luck on the challenge. Hope to see you soon again at SSC.


  12. Thanks for sharing with us at ATSC your gorgeous little tag, lovely colours and design,hugs Liz xx

  13. Sensational tag!! Love the colours:)
    Thanks so much for joining us PaperCreations Ink Challenges:)
    Lynn xxx

  14. Very cool! I like the way you inked this - great technique! It's neat that it turned out kind of marbleized! Nice stamp too! : )

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!!!

    For more chances to win:
    *Follow Simon Says Stamp on Twitter!
    *Like Simon Says Stamp on Facebook!

  15. I really like how you created the background! and I love the idea of a book of tags... thanks for joining us at Gingerloft Challenge!

  16. Gorgeous tag. Love the colors in the background!
    Thanks for sharing your 'Fall or Halloween' challenge on GingerLoft!
    :) Gale

  17. Super tag and colours, thankyou for joining us at FSC this time. Yvonne

  18. I love the background on this tag. Thanks for joining the Halloween challenge at the Cheerful Stamp Pad.

  19. Great creation,

    Thanks for joining us at OLDIE BUT A GOODIE Challenge and good luck!


  20. Beautiful Creation I Love your work and hope to see more of it

    Thanks for Joining us atPaper Creations Ink


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