
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Digital Stamp Fairy card for Robyn's Fetish Challenge #92

This week's challenge at Robyn's Fetish challenge is MAKE IT SPARKLE. We are sponsored and given images by Gingerloft Digi Stamps. I used my powdered chalks to color in the image and then used Stickles for the sparkly part. I wish it would photograph better because the chalk and paint I used has a beautiful shimmer to it. You can find the chalks HERE.

The patterned paper is by MME and the cardstock by DCWV. The stamp is by Fiskars and the ink by Staz-on. Thanks for looking.


  1. Very pretty! I can tell there is some sparkle to it. I know how it feels when a photo does not tell all the story on the detail. Edwina Brown

  2. Lovely card, Cindy! i love the purple with mint :)


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