
Saturday, February 04, 2012

Multiple Blog Candy/giveaways

I found this great Blog Candy and wanted to share with you. Check out the Ranger Industries garb. You know how much I dig them.
All you have to do is become a follower of Livas crafts, make a blog post and then comment on which project on her blog is your favorite. That was the hardest part because she has so many beautiful works of art. Stop over there and check it out. Candy ends Feb 27th.

My second blog candy find for this morning to share with you wonderful people is by Donna. She is offering a lovely array of scrappy or card making goodness for her 1st blogoversary. Check out her BLOG and become a follower to win this fabulous candy. It ends Feb 12th

Audrey is having blog candy on her blog as well. I have been a follower of hers for the longest time. She produces so many cards I can't imagine what her back stock must look like. Unless people are lucky enough to receive them. 
You must become a follower of her blog and you have to pay for shipping, which that is totally understandable and a really good idea. I pay way too much in shipping sometimes. Here is a picture of the goods:

Crafty Carley is having a blog candy give away once she reaches 1000 followers. I was number 450 so spread the word and get her numbers up there. Check out the candy below:

Fabulous blog candies make me want to do a giveaway too. I am going to the shop today and will see if something strikes me for a give away. Best wishes.

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