
Monday, September 30, 2013

Manly Monday - Evening Edition

Here we go into our next week of Manly Monday guy cards. I know for sure I didn't get everyone in this week. If I had trouble locating your blog and need to further investigate than I will have to feature you next week.
I have a three images created by different crafters for a whole new perspective on what you can do with that image. I love to show these because it shows how versatile our stamps are, digi or regular.
One thing that stands out in all these cards is the nice simple style, excellent coordinating patterned papers and great images. You will be so impressed with the many manly cards this week.

KandA Creative Moments

Gale's Stamping corner

Wishcraft Cards

Leslie Turner

Memories to Keep

Rubber Mad

Elephant Fairies

Chosen as Top 3 at

Leslie Turner


Paper Dolls Creations

Very Belle Makes

Just Coffee Please stamps ribbons paper

Mel Sanford 29

Deb's Eternity Cards

I'm going to make this short so I can get this published for all to see. My image is by Kenny K, patterned papers by Basic Grey, cardstock by Bazzill and Coredinations, watercolor paper by Strathmore, die cuts by Spellbinders, metal arrow and brad by American Crafts and sticker by Sticko/EK Success. I colored the image in using Distress Markers by Ranger and a water pen.

Thanks so much for looking and come back next week for some manly card inspiration.


  1. Hi Cindy, thanks for showcasing my card. I am a member of your blog my friend and will be back to see more. Your card is awesome and I love the KK image...luv aNNIe xx

  2. What a fun idea you have here Cindy! EVERYbody knows that man cards are hard to design... but you're the first person I know to do something creative like this on a regular basis! Congrats on your Manly Monday concept!
    And thank you for asking to show my card today!

  3. Great post, Cindy! All these cards are wonderful and I very much appreciate your showcasing my bike and street rod cards!

  4. Ooops... P.S. I'm your newest follower! Thanks for following my blog as well!

  5. Brilliant male card love the image and great colouring,thanks for showcasing my card
    Carol x

  6. Love this digi stamp used with the soft plaid patterned paper! Great job! ~ Ali


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