
Monday, January 26, 2015

Manly Monday Saw

My card today uses stamps by Papertrey Ink. I used the strip of bolts as my background pattern by stamping them over and over again in rows. The I adhered that white cardstock to a grey card base top folding card. The grey frame and the die cut the sentiment are cut out using my Cricut. I matted the frame with some black cardstock also by Recollections. The saw stamp was stamped with Hero Arts Charcoal ink and die cut out using its matching die. Then I stamped the sentiment.

Thanks for looking.

Welcome back to Manly Monday. I had to make the executive decision to only allow 10 cards on the Manly Monday post. So If you sent me an email I will run your card next week. Please click on the blog name to be directed to the masculine card. Leave them some love.

Veerle's Kaarten Hoekje

My Craft Journey

Cards and Cats
No photo but still visit her blog
(I cannot for the life of me get png's to work right with what I do. Sorry)


  1. Great card, love the background.

  2. Thanks for featuring me in your Manly Monday post! Lots of fabulous projects! Cxxx

  3. Thanks for linking to my blog, great feature x

  4. Such a cool saw creation - and a great lineup of crafters, too! I'm off to check them out and THANK you for featuring my work. :) You made me smile!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring me in your Manly Monday post! Lots of lovely projects too!


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