
Monday, August 17, 2015

Manly Monday Quad

Edited April 2021 see the sidebar for an explanation 

MY card this week features a quad stamp by Deep Red Stamps that you can find at
A Cherry on Top.
 This is a new one to my blog. I stamped it with Hero Arts black ink onto Recollections white cardstock and fussy cut it out. The wood grain patterned paper is by Glitz and the green is by Basic Grey. The flag and and alpha letters are also by Basic Grey.The quad is popped up with 3M foam adhesive and then tucked the flag behind it. I did put some multi-medium matte under it to make sure it would stay put. And that's it. So easy to do guy cards. Less is more for them.

Welcome back to Manly Monday. I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was busy but yet  did get a bit of crafting time in to make some cards to share on here. But right now let's get to the cards. Be sure to visit the blogs below by clicking on the blog name above the clip.

Patty's Creative Side

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week and stop back because I have posts for every day.


  1. What a great guy card Love the green and brown together. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.


  2. This is such a great feature, Cindy. I struggle with masculine card (probably because I have a girl) so I don't make too many.


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