
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Frozen Celebrate card

Today Sassy Studio Designs is sponsoring the challenge at CCC Digi Creations. The theme is Add Some Sparkle. I am using the Snow Queen Sassy.

I printed her onto Strathmore watercolor paper and colored her in with Peerless watercolors. I did color in her cape with Stardust powdered chalk mixed with paint. I die cut the image out with a Sizzix die and inked the inside with distress ink and an ink blending tool both by Ranger. I took the same paper as the background and trimmed around the image with a small edge left around the image.

The patterned paper is by Scrappin' Sports and More and it is dry embossed with a Cuttlebug folder. I added Perfect Pearls powder to the embossed area to increase its sparkle. The white star is a Quickutz die the I inked the edges with distress ink and then covered with glitter by Stampin Up. The blue star is chipboard that I painted with Plaid silver paint. Then I placed the star onto Sizzix adhesive sheet and then covered with Stampendous blue glitter. The sentiment is by Fiskars stamped with Hero Arts ink.

Thanks for looking.

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