
Saturday, May 09, 2020

Fuse tool wedding layout

The photos I'm working with right now are really old. They've been processed differently from just 50 years ago.
This photo had frail edges that if mishandled the photo would crumble.
I felt the need to preserve that unique quality of a picture with my MIL in it as the flower girl.

Hubby's uncle admits that he has never seen the picture but disagrees with me on who the little girl is. It looks like her, my MIL, so we're going with it.
My in-laws have a strange family dynamic to share-I could ask MIL's mother that will be 100 this July and still has it all of her brains working. However, she has Macular Degenerative disease which is a disease where the vision starts from the outside closes into the center closing off most of her vision including peripheral vision. That's why she stopped driving at 94. lol
She can barely see out of the left eye, probably the size of a pinhead and the other is closing in on her too. She gets injections into her eye to slow the process down but...sadly it will continue to make her blind because there is no cure. I've seen many unspeakable things while working in the hospital for over 15 years but injections in the eyes gross me out. I could never watch that willingly. Yuck!
It's sad that she can't see pictures very well because she is a wealth of information.

So why not ask my MIL? I can't ask my 78-year-old MIL because she has Alzheimer's and doesn't remember anyone's faces anymore. I'm told that the situation of the healthy (-ish) mother outliving the daughter with Alzheimer's is rare.
This whole conversation reminds me that I need to call Grandma today.

The white outlining paper is a negative of a Cricut die cut. I had shaky hands gluing that booger down. You can see some warping but "It doesn't have to be perfect, It just has to be done" Cindy Groh 
The patterned paper is by Colorbok and the floral stickers on top and bottom as well as the skinny border sticker at the bottom are all by Creative Memories.

I took extra pictures to show that the fusing of the photo's protector. It is not an impressive job with my technique or ability to use the tool but I want to be able to look back on this page and recall what design tip I used and the results.

This photo is to remind me how I can cover up an edge or all of the edges.

Here is the rest of the spread

I used patterned paper from the same CM pack around the photo and the stickers on the side are CM too.
The background paper is by Colorbok
The rick rack to match her outfit is by Wright's
The name is stamped with Lawn Fawn Violet ABC's

Sorry for the long post. I keep this blog as a diary to remember all of the things I've made because once they go out the door they are almost erased from my memory.
Thanks for looking


  1. Pretty!
    Have a great day!

  2. Memories like these have to be preserved Cindy, the shame is we forget to ask until too late. A beautiful layout on both.
    Keep safe and well.
    Faith x


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