
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Mountain Man Jr. Plus 2012 Scrapbook Layout

I've been finishing up some of my nephew's scrapbook for his graduation in June.

I have been scraping him since he was born so I have pieces that are finished but are very old-school looking with outdated papers and silly design principles.
The big thing is, when I first started scrapbooking, I scraped size 8 1/2 x 11.

I think it was my wedding album that made me cross over.
The 8.5 worked great for bridal showers and the bachelorette party. It also worked for my table cameras, because I put a picture of the person together with the card they gave us

But when it came to the photographer's pictures I needed more room to place more pictures that went together on a 2-page layout.

So, I switched to 12x12. Great. But, I have 2 full shelves of 8.5x11 scrapbooks. I have been slowly converting the okay layouts to be full size and go into his 12x12 book.

I have been converting calendar pages into 12x12 too.

So here's today's layout.

Lawn Fawn ink and alphabet stamps

Cricut Campin Critters cartridge

I’m entering this into 

Thanks for looking


  1. OH! my goodness, you are not going through each one and changing the size? I would have just done new pages as 12x12. You are so patient, well done you. Great page too, love the details.
    Faith x

  2. You have great patience to revisit and redo these! I have the good intentions of doing some pages of my children...but they are still at the good intentions stage!! (My children are 5...😱). Thanks for playing along with The Male Room. X

  3. Fantastic work, I like the details on the page! Thanks for playing at TMR challenge

  4. Fantastic LO.Thank you for joining us at The Male Room challenge. Goga

  5. What a beautiful LO you made :-))
    Thanks for joining us at The Male Room ❤️

  6. Great layout - love the colours you've used.

    Thanks for sharing it with us at The Male Room Challenge.

    Helen x


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