
Friday, May 28, 2021

Scrapbook Layout of Hubby in 2nd grade

This layout is for my hubby's scrapbook.

I’m not sure of all of the details of these layouts other than:

Crate Papers 

Shaped paper from Michael’s Recollections 

Some stickers on the side are by Little Yellow Bicycle 

The labeling was done with tiny alphabet stamps from Oriental Trading Co. 

There are some Elle’s Studio labels

Patterned paper by K and Co and Stampin Up.

The twine is unknown.

Letter stamps are by Lawn Fawn.

And here the two layouts are side by

Thanks for looking

1 comment:

  1. These look great together. What a sweet looking kid! Isn't it wonderful that these types of pics have been saved ad are available to your family!? Great job creating such carefully-saved memories with the photos. :) ~Ali


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