
Saturday, October 31, 2009

RIP Halloween

This card was made for a challenge at Dixie Pieces. You had to in clude some trash in your card. I was going to throw these fishnets out because they had a hole in them. Instead I used them for this card. Stamps by Recollections and SU, ink by SU, PP by CM and CI, CS by DCWV. TFL
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  1. Love your cards... they're SO cute! I'm feeling really bad because it totally slipped out of my agenda to make Halloween cards for anyone this year. Actually, since my son is now 15, I don't go all out for Halloween like I did sometimes when he was younger.

  2. I really like the textures in this one quite a bit. The mesh at the bottom conversates well with the skeleton prints at the top. Love it!


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