
Sunday, October 17, 2010

A new DT!!!

I made a new DT called Shannon's Sentiments. You can go to her shop HERE. I'm so excited to be part of this team. Stop on by her blog to read about myself and the other DT gals.

Bachelorette Card for I Did It Creations

This week at I did it Creations our sponsor Beary Dust provided us with these awesome images which you can purchase at the Stitchy Bear and I Did It Creations shopping boutique. This weeks theme is the girl of my dreams and the image I picked is Wild Thing. (She is the very last image on the second page) She looked to me like a fabulous image for a bachelorette party card and "tada" below is what I came up with.

The font stamps are by Technique Tuesday using Memento ink. I colored her in with Copic markers. The card base is by Halcraft. The flower sticker is by Martha Stewart and the wild brad by The Paper Studio.