
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Calendar Layout 14 Years of Marriage

I made this Layout using a sketch from Sketches in Thyme. That is my husband and me at a wedding reception in 2010. The layout is for my mom's calendar that I am still making her. Thank God she is a patient woman.
The brads in the little squares are for weddings. One is a wedding cake and the others are wine glasses/goblets. I wet embossed the heart, which is a Digi stamp from Shannon's Sentiments, with silver embossing powder, then used distressing ink by Ranger on the edges and finished it off with a couple spritz of water and Perfect Pearls. The spellbinders die are label #1. I love this die and use it a lot. I'm also using this layout for the challenge at the I Did it Creations Forum which is to use borders. It is hard to see in the photo but I used an old Creative Memories sticker border just above the brown paper. If you haven't been over to their forum it's a great place to earn points that lead to discounts toward the Outlaw Women Scrapbook Emporium. So go check it out or ask me questions in the comments field and I'll get you going in the right direction.
Thanks for looking.


  1. What interesting embellishments- look so good with this layout. So glad you shared with us at Sketches In Thyme this week.

  2. Beautiful!!! Love the embellies and the ribbon!! Your mother is going to love the calendar!! Thanks for playing along with us over at Sketches In Thyme!! Hugs!!!

  3. How sweet of you to make this great calendar for your mom! I love the fun and unique embellies you used on this one! Thanks for taking on our sketch challenge at Sketches in Thyme this week!
    Barb :)


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