
Monday, April 04, 2011

Manly Monday

Here are some owl cards that I made. The first one is more manly than the other but why not post them together is what I thought.

For the first one, there was a call on one of my blog buddies blog for cards for her friend with MS that is turning 50. The other one comes from a call from the paper for a woman turning 99 the first week in April and therefore this is the card I came up with.

Thanks for stopping by. If you want to know any of the supplies just leave me a comment and I will get back to you. I hope to post more tomorrow but better not make any promises. This coming from the gal that just preposted 4 days worth of blog posts.

Maybe I will be sassy and do one more for Tuesday. Anywhooo, Happy Monday all.


  1. it is so special!! great card!! love this image!

  2. Very unusual cards... love both of them.

    xxx Monica


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