
Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday's Clearsnap project

Hey everyone,
You should head over to the Clearsnap blog for your chance to win amazing prizes from them. I wanted to show you a card I made using their products. It's a Christmas card and I know you are probably thinking it's too early for that but I have to start early or it doesn't get done the way I want it to.
For this project I dry embossed a piece of Echo Park's Merry Christmas paper with my Cuttlebug and one of their folders. Then I took the Clearsnap ink and went over each embossed piece of the embossed pattern with the ink. I love the way it turned out. Their new line of Smooch Inks are super fun and can be found at the link provided or at Michael's (I saw them at the store but can't find them online to give you a link). Before I adhered all my embellishments, I sprayed the card base with a new Smooch color for 2011 called Green Olive and then an older one called Vanilla Simmer.

Other supplies include: felt border by OTCo; sentiment by EP and card base by RE.
This next picture is a "close up" of the Smooch Ink. My close up shots are a work in progress. My camera and I need to practice at it more. But you get the idea. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

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