
Friday, May 06, 2011

Tutorial using a digital image

I made this tutorial as an option for the newsletter but it was decided that it's length would be too much for a newsletter. Therefore I decided to share it with you here on my blog. I've formatted it so the instruction is on top and the picture is below.

In this masking tutorial I am using a digital image, the neck tie, from Shannon's Sentiments Fathers Day add on set. Along with my light board and Inkadinkado masking paper to make a mask of the tie. Others supplies will appear throughout the tutorial and then I will have a list them all at the end.

To start making the mask you place the image closest to the light box and the masking paper, white side up, on top of it. Using a pencil trace the image.

Next step is to cut the tie out of the masking paper.

hen I placed the maskover the image and went back to my light box.

I flipped the image over and traced the tie on the back of the cardstock.

I made soft pencil lines on the back of the white cardstock to match the angle of the tie. (see red arrow) I made the width between the diagonals the same length as the line at each number. (see blue arrows) Just place the end of those lines on the diagonal line and your good to go.

These lines are going to be my score lines. I am on the back side of the image so no one will see these lines if you draw them light enough. This isn't what masking is but this is how I made the end card. The masking part is coming up.

I don't have a fancy score board so I use my Fiskars paper trimmer and a stylus. I line up the drawn line with where I would normal cut the paper. Placing the stylus at either end go over the line with it somewhat lightly so not to pierce through the paper. In this picture I have done three lines so far starting from the left. Once you get upto where the tie is, you would skip the tie and continue on the other side.

My trimmer has the wire in it and you can see I line up the pencil drawn line with the wire. Where the indentation is (where the blade end would run) is the how the line rises up.

This is the front side of the image with the mask on top of the tie. You can just see the raised diagonal lines.

Using the supplies in the photo I inked the images background to add visual interest to the image. Now you can see my score lines and this is where the masking is. I have the Inkadinkado mask over the tie so that it won't become green or blue like it's surroundings.

he mask has been removed and normally I would color in the image but I liked it white with the background looking like what a tie could look like.

And here is the end product of this tutorial. Just some cardstock around the edges to make the focus of the card the image and it's background. Thanks for checking out my tutorial. If you do this technique please drop me a line with a link at

Thanks for viewing my tutorial and I hope you will try it yourself. If you do be sure to put a link in the comment field so I can come check out your work. 

It's Friday and National Scrapbook day is tomorrow so let the party begin. I will be over at Two Peas and a Bucket for the challenges all weekend long. I'm hoping to use the challenges as inspiration on a scrapbook that I need to finish. Wish me luck.

Also we can't forget that Saturday is a new challenge at Shannon's Sentiments, Sunday is a new challenge for I Did it Creations and then finish the fun with my very own series I like to call Manly Monday where I post a card that is intended for a boy/guy. I get my husbands approval on the card first, before posting it as a Manly Monday card.

Supplies for tutorial:
Inkadinkado Masking paper
Light box
some way to score your lines as in a scoreboard or I used a paper trimmer
a stylus to emboss the image
Ranger Ink essentials blending tool and pad 
Ranger distressing ink Broken China
Memento ink Bamboo leaves
navy blue, green and white cardstock