
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Chalk Ah Lot Blog hop day #2

Day 2 of Chalk-Ah-Lot Cafe's Blog Hop. Be sure to leave a comment on each blog as you hop through.

I have a fun card to show today that features a wax paper technique that I found in a video at Stamp TV. I then used distressing inks to make the background so pretty. The stamps are by Stamp N Plus Scrap N with ink by Tsukineko and Ranger Industries. The image is colored in using powdered chalk and paint combined together for a fabulous look. I hope you like it.

Stamp N Plus Scrap N offers 15 handcrafted unmounted rubber stamps on double sticky cushion for wood mounting in a 6in by 9in manila envelope these stamps are old stock in good shape aprox retail value of $40 to $50. The only thing they may need is trimming. 15 images for Five Dollars or 45 images for Twelve Dollars WOW!!!!!
 We cannot guarantee there won't be any doubles if multiple envelopes are purchased as a bunch of images were thrown in a bin and then stuffed in envelopes. No doubles in individual envelopes.

Then if that wasn't enough, the Powdered Chalk Challenge Special is still going on where you can purchase 4 powdered chalks for $6.00 plus S and H. An exceptional value and an offer you should not let pass you by.

So now that you have stopped here from Barbara's blog head on over to Jennifer's blog. Be sure to leave a comment at each blog for your chance to win a set of chalks. If you get lost you can always go back to the Chalk-Ah-Lot Cafe where you should also leave a comment.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Enjoy the hop.
