
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Stamp Box flower card

I have a myStamp Box card to share today. I used the Abundant Blossoms stamp set to create the background of my card.
I heat embossed the the two flowers all over watercolor paper by Strathmore. Using distress markers I colored in the flowers with Torn Lipstick on the inside and Spun Sugar on the outside. I used a water pen with water mixed with Perfect Pearls to blend the two colors together. Then once I had the flower colored I used Spun Sugar distress ink pad and an ink blender to create the pink background. I then sprayed the whole panel with water mixed with Perfect Pearls. The water pen, Perfect Pearls, distress markers, distress ink and ink blender are all by Ranger Industries. The embossing ink is by Versa Mark and the embossing powder is by myStamp Box.

The brown cardstock is from Joann's, the white cardstock is a scrap and the sentiment sticker is by K and Co. The flowers are by Prima and Scraping Stamping with the glitter center by Recollections.

Thanks for looking.

Thanks for looking. Add texture {flower images are heat embossed}


    Saw you on MIM!!
    Have a GREAT day!

  2. Love this pretty pink confection, Cindy! Thanks for sharing it with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

  3. Gorgous card Cindy :-) the embossed flowers and watercolors are fabulous ,,, very pretty :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Lols x x x

  4. A beautiful card, love the techniques you used to create it!
    Thanks for linking up with Make It Monday this week.

  5. Great embossing and colouring. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  6. Beautiful card. Love the soft pink background with the bright pink flowers. So glad you shared it with us for the Sparkle N Sprinkle Creative Challenge this month.

  7. Love pink, love the colouring and the sparkle thank you for joining in with us at digi sketch and good luck

  8. what a lovely card thanks for sharing with
    lexis creations this week Rachel DT

  9. Nice jobon the embossing and loving the colors you choose. Thanks for playing at Love to Scrap!!

  10. wow! this is so striking and beautiful!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi (GD on lexi's creations challenge)

  11. waow amazing colors!! great job on this project!
    thanks for sharing on love to scrap! challenge blog!
    shuly dt

  12. Fantastic card thankyou for joining our challenge at artistic inspirations this week good luck fiona dt. x

  13. I am so glad you joined in with the LEJ Designs Challenge Blogs first monthly challenge. This months theme is a nice easy one 'anything goes'.

    This is absolutely beautiful and girly. Pink is my favorite colour and I adore your card. The different flower stamps are great and I really like the simple layout.

    I hope you will visit us again and join in with many more of our future monthly challenges.

    <3 & hugs
    Lisa xxxx LEJ DT Organiser

  14. Love the heat embossed background! Fabulous work. Thank you for joining us at Miriam's Crafting Blog for the 8th challenge. We look forward to seeing more of your work!
    ~Deb, MCS DT Member~
    Miriam’s Crafting Supplies
    A Look Through My Eyes
    Gone Artsy

  15. This is SO pretty, I am going to have to try this technique.


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