
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Stamp N Plus Thanks card

I have a fall like card to share today I really like to color in this Pumpkin and Flower Barrel stamp with powdered chalk mixed with paint. The sort of rugged affect fits perfect with any fall theme project. 

This card is very simple. I stamped the image onto white cardstock and colored it in with different colored powdered chalk mixed with paint both by Stamp N Plus. I fussy cut the image out and set it aside. The card base is by Recollections. I adhered a piece of unknown brown cardstock to the left and a piece of K and Co embossed paper to the right. 

I die cut the sentiment from my Cricut and adhered it and the image on top of the patterned paper. Then I set it aside and pondered it for a couple of months. It needed something more but I couldn't figure out what. I pulled it out just this past week and thought what if I ink the edges with distress ink and an ink blender by Ranger? It always seems to work on my other projects. So that's what I did and now I'm happy with the results. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Challenges: Anything goes with chalk {colored in the image with chalks}


  1. Beautiful Cindy. Reminds me of my childhood years on the farm, harvesting veggies in our garden.
    Wishing you a wonderful and relaxed weekend.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. oops...started comment and accidentally published...sorry! Cindy, this is beautiful and also noticed you design Christmas Cards all year long, what a great idea!

  3. Really like the effect you got with the mediums you used on your card. Lovely layout. Thanks for sharing with us over at DUS.Ina

  4. Yes, inking edges usually makes it zing more. A gentle and reflective card. Thanks for sharing this with us at Crafting with Dragonflies for our first challenge for 2014.

  5. Your card is beautiful! I like the addition of the distress ink around the edges. Thanks for joining us at Little Red Wagon :)
    Joanne xo

  6. Sweet design. Thanks for playing at Treasured Times Rubber Stamps.

  7. Wonderful card with such warm colors. Thanks for linking to the Dreamweaver challenge!


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