
Monday, March 10, 2014

Manly Monday

My brother in law is having a birthday this week so I made him this new card using Papertrey Ink stamps and die cut with Stampin Up patterned paper. The organza ribbon says Old Willow color and Made in China so no manufacturer on that one as well as the cardstock. I've had it since the mid 90's. My inks are by Stampin Up.

I'm crazy busy right now with requests and projects that I will have to add the photos portion later on this week when I can catch my breath. I didn't want to make this Manly Wednesday because it just sounds silly. Here are the links that you should check out for some great male card inspiration. And if you have time check out my card at the bottom. Thanks for stopping by.

I updated this post with the clips of each creation. Thank you for your patience.


  1. Thank you for sharing my card! I love your relax card, fabulous image.

  2. Thanks for sharing my card I am thrilled! Love your recliner card I know a few men that would love that.

  3. Thank you for the shout out Cindy. I hope the rest of the month is less busy and stressy xx


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