
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Stamp N Plus An Apple a Day

I'm posting a card at the Stamp N Plus blog today. My card features THIS Apple Stamp and a Thanks stamp both by Stamp N Plus. The thanks stamp is from a sheet of sentiments/labels that are not on the website but can be purchased. See below for photo of all the sentiments/labels included and the phone number to order yours today.

I stamped the apple image using a mixture of powdered chalk and paint both by Stamp N Plus
I mixed the two together and then painted each color onto my stamp and stamped it to the cardstock. Check out THIS tutorial on how exactly how I stamped the image for my card.

 Once it was dry I used a Quickutz die cut to give it shape. The thing I like about this apple stamp is that you can use just about any shape of die cut to give it life. I can just imagine an oval or one of  my many Spellbinders label dies. I chose this one because at the time it was new to me. 

The patterned paper in my card is by DCWV. It isn't red red and I liked that because my apple isn't red red. I could have place it with a red color but chose these kind of fun colors instead. I stamped the sentiment onto a white circle punch by EK Success and cut the bottom half off to fit my cards design. The ink I used is by Hero Arts-my favorite black ink by far!

 I really like the way the border came together. The reddish color border is by Martha Stewart and it is like what you see on both sides. I decided to hide the one side under the patterned paper. I border punched the white cardstock by Studio G with a Fiskars punch. I lined the two up together and they were a perfect fit. Love it. I covered the seam with a green piece of cardstock by Creative Memories. 

Call Luann at 715-271-1873 to order your sentiments today. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Challenges: anything goes

1 comment:

  1. You already know I love the apple and the border. I really like the DP's too!


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