
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

TTCRD Penguin card

Through the Craft Room Door has a new anything goes challenge that starts today. My DT card uses a Stamping Boutique digi stamp that you can read about below.

I used glitter paper by Recollections, Cryogen cardstock with Copic markers, Ranger watercolor paper for the background stamp by Hero Arts that was stamped with Versa Mark ink and heat embossed with Ranger embossing powder. To further the background I mixed Picket Fence white distress paint with Adirondack silver acrylic pain mixed with water and Perfect Pearls. I applied the mixture with a ink blending tool all of which are by Ranger. The background paper of the image is by GCD and the stickles/glitter glue by Ranger. The sentiment is by myStamp Box on Recollections pearl paper with Stampin Up red ink.

Thanks for looking.


  1. So incredibly cute!! I love how you used the image and the background is so beautiful!


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