
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Lighthouse Sweet Stamp Shop

Today's card features a stamp by Sweet Stamp Shop called Sail Away Sayings. I stamped i he lighthouse with Versa Mark ink and heat embossed it with white embossing powder by Stamp N Plus onto watercolor paper by Ranger. I die cut the image out with a Spellbinders scallop circle die and inked the inside with distress ink while the paper was still in the die. Then I decided it needed something more. I took a Tim Holtz stencil that has sun rays on it and inked them in yellow coming off the top of the lighthouse. That looked pretty but I couldn't see the lighthouse very well since I embossed it in white. So I took one of my brown distress markers by Ranger and lightly followed the outlined of the lighthouse including the stripes in the lighthouse. Then I added some water with my water pen and pulled the ink from the marker out away from the lighthouse which made the marker area not so bright. I liked the way it turned out but then I thought to use a blue distress ink and a water pen to color in the word light. OK complete with the image.

The background paper is by Recollections and it is dry embossed. The yellow cardstock is by Bazzill and the blue scalloped circle paper is by Color-Aid. The polka dot paper is by Colorbok and the pennant paper is unknown. The sentiment stamp is in another Sweet Stamp Shop stamp set (Discontinued though, sorry) and I stamped it with Hero Arts black ink.

Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

  1. How lovely Cindy, love the embossing and the sentiment is done beautifully.


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