
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sassy Studio Designs Color Challenge

Sassy Studio Designs has a new challenge for their Thursday blog and it is black and either orange, green, or purple or all of the above. I went with black and purple although there is orange is the patterned paper. 

I printed the image out onto Neenah cardstok and colored her in with Copic markers. I trimmed the image down and matted some black cardstock behind her. I die cut the fence with the Cricut and the Ribbons and Rosettes  cartridge with purple Bazzill cardstock. The background of the card base was stamped with a Stampabilities stamp with Hero Arts black ink. Then I drew lines from the spider to the web. The sentiment is from the same stamp set and has been heat embossed with Versa Mark ink and white embossing powder.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Cindy, gotta say that background is awesome!! I was about to ask where its from then read your post. You'd have thought it was brought paper not half stamped and half drawn on. Brilliant! She looks great coloured in purple too! :)

  2. Wonderful card, love how you did the background paper.


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