
Monday, November 02, 2015

Manly Monday Motorcycle

Edited April 2021 see side bar.
My card for today features 2 Deep Red Stamps. The first is the background which you can find on sale at A Cherry on Top. I inked the background stamp with Hero Arts black ink and stamped it on Recollections green cardstock. The background paper is by Basic Grey.

Then I stamped the motorcycle, which can be purchased at:

or at

With the same black ink on white cardstock. I trimmed the motorcycle panel down to fit a 4 x 5.5 card. The sentiment is Creative Memories sticker and then the gear/cog thing is a brad by Eyelet Outlet. Simple and easy.

Welcome back to Manly Monday. I have a great assortment of cards for your inspiration. Click on the blog title above the picture of their card for the masculine card post.

Thanks for looking.