
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Calendar page using Sketches In Thyme Project Life

Today's post is for the Sketches In Thyme Project Life edition. It's kind of cool because you can use the sketch for inspiration or to follow it completely or do as I did and that is I rotated the sketch upside down and didn't use a few elements on the card. I also didn't use the card for a Project Life layout. I used it on a regular layout however my layout is a calendar page. 

Here is my card. The background patterned paper is unknown. The brown paper that is scallop shape is by Creative Memories. The scallop shapes are Cricut cuts from the Storybook cartridge. The yellow circle is a scrap of paper I found in my stash and the circle punched it with a Marvy punch. The mountain stamp is by Stampin Up and the ink is by Ranger's distress markers. I colored on the stamp and then stamped it onto white cardstock by Recollections. The sentiment was constructed with Lawn Fawn alphabet letters.
Here is the layout that I used the card in. My card is kind of simple but I like that simpleness with the 3 busy pictures. Solitude is the name of the ski resort my Aunt and Uncle rented for my cousin's wedding in Utah. It was awesome of mountains and trees everywhere. Unfortunately, I have pushed around in a wheelchair the whole trip because my back was really giving me a hard time.

So here is the sketch:

Come on over to the Sketches in Thyme Project Life style to join in on the fun. CLOSED  
Thanks for looking.

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