
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Graduation Girl in Blue

A semi-new graduation card for you today. This card was published in online magazine Scrapbook Magazine over a year ago. I think it's safe to post it on my blog now. 

The image is by Saturated Canary, however I can't find her on the website after looking through all 30 pages twice. I colored her in with Copic markers. Then using my Cuttlebug tomake the image into an oval (Sizzix) I inked the inside with blue distress ink (Ranger). Theonly thing I don't know is the circle, as it came with a prize a while back. Otherwise the background paper (DCWV), blue cardstock (Coredinations), star die cut (Lawn Fawn) and the sentiment sticker (EK Success) all came together in this card.

Thanks for looking.


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