
Friday, September 16, 2016

Softball Card

I have a funny story to tell today. Disclaimer: I've been told I'm not a very good story teller-reader beware.

I send a lot of birthday cards because I can remember as child my aunt, who lived out of state, would always send a card and a gift. I looked forward to it every year. Also at my mom's house, a birthday was a big deal. Streamers, balloons, happy birthday signs, cake and ice cream with whatever I wanted  for dinner. This was a standard birthday affair back then. We actually looked forward to each others birthday because it was such a big deal and a fun atmosphere. 

My cousin lives on the east side of the state and he and his wife have three children. I send the two older ones a birthday card every year, even if I'm late, I still send it. I didn't think they knew who was sending these cards but I thought, oh well I'm family and it's a nice thing to do. 

Recently we had to attend a visitation and my cousin introduced his children to me. They kind of looked at me like a kid normally would until I said "I'm the lady that sends you a card on your birthday." For that I received a smile and an "Oh". So I asked my niece what she likes to do and she plays softball hence my card today. Later on I was talking to just their mother and she said that the kids look forward to receiving the birthday card, even if it's late, every year. That totally made my day.

The background is dry embossed with Darice folder. The bats and the sentiment stamps are by Stampin Up. The helmet is a patterned paper by Accord Publishing and the softball is a sticker. All of the pieces are inked with distress ink and matted with brown cardstock. I used foam adhesive under the sentiment.

Thanks for looking.


  1. This is a GREAT card.

    Know what you mean about the cards, I send my Great Nieces and Great Nephews cards, the youngest I have met 3 times in her 13 years!

  2. I enjoyed your story, Cindy! Your card is wonderful and I think she'll love it! I never get a thank-you from my nieces and nephews for all the cards I send but I hope they appreciate them!


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