
Sunday, February 28, 2016

AU Football layout

Another layout done for the nephew book. There is a bunch of Cricut cuts on this one so I'll start there. I arranged the stars on the Cricut Craft Room to be evenly spaced out because I was using it as a stencil. I cut the stars background by using the Ribbons and Rosettes cartridge. I did so in multiple colors for future layouts. It took me some time to plan it out and I really liked the look. I used the Creative Memories Total Sports cartridge for the year. The name in the bottom right area had to be blurred out but it was cut out using the Don Juan cartridge. 

I noticed on the pictures that everything orange was from AU. I looked up the AU logo and found it was for Auburn University. I liked the look of the logo but was having trouble finding this font in my collection of cartridges.

There was no short supply of problems while trying to find a similar look. I ran into simple things like the opening of the U wasn't wide enough to fit the A inside. I tried manipulating the letter by stretching it in all the right places and was unsuccessful. It looked weird. Then I noted the tops and bottoms of the letters are square not rounded like in the layout below. Another thing going on with this long process was I wanted a shadow to go behind the letters and that wasn't always an available option as shown here. So I ended up using the Lyrical Letters cartridge Jumbo font. I made two of the same size and off centered them behind. It doesn't look exactly like the real logo but I really gave it a Girl Scout try. 

Moving on, the football helmet is a chipboard embellishment by Paper Accents that I colored orange Smooch Spritz. I was having trouble getting them unclogged to work properly. I opened the bottle of an orange spray, poured it on the helmet and worked it through with my finger, Worked wonderfully and took much less time then mixing some red and yellow paints together to make an orange acrylic paint. 

The orange paper is by C-Gull and I placed it on the this funny angle for something different. The blue starry background was sprayed with a blue Smooch Spritz.

Thanks for looking. with hat