
Monday, October 09, 2017

Manly Monday Mustaches Calendar Layout

I have a fun layout to share today that cracks me up. Here's a little back story for you; At our cottage my husband holds a weekend event called ⛰ Mountain Main Jr. Plus ➕ where the sons or daughters and their dads (No moms or wives allowed) come up for some fun and shenanigans.

 For this Mountain 🏔 Man, he bought them all stick-on mustaches  that everyone had to wear for the whole weekend. I always make them get a group picture with and it looks like they're having fun. I'm just glad everyone plays along and there's no whining.

All the patterned paper is by Die Cuts With s View and I cut out the title with my Cricut with the Cricut Font and Basic Shapes cartridge in Cricut Craft Room where I welded the letters together.

Thanks for looking. 👓. 

Thanks for looking.