
Monday, September 17, 2018

Manly Monday Golf games

I've been working on Type 1 diabetes silent auction donations. Gift cards/certificates needed to be displayed at the event and I remembered there were a bunch of frames from my mom's house.

 I put the tickets in a frame with cardstock and then made a sign to better tell what was in the frame. The signs were then taped onto the back of the frame. Do this project gave me a chance to get rid of things like frames and golf paper.

The first picture originally had white letter stickers and they all fell off. So I die cut these new ones using my Quickutz. It was fun to blow the dust off of it.

For some reason I thought the sign that had lost the stickers was this one below and so I made a new one and ended up with....

Two signs with the same places and not the sign I needed. Ugh! 

Thanks for looking.

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