
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Big Milestone for my blog

Today is a huge milestone for me because this post is my 3000th post.
Yes, 3000 times!
I've been putting off writing this post, for a few weeks now. Why? Well...Shouldn't such a blog milestone come with a big celebration and showing old projects compared to new ones and lots of giveaways. Right? Sorry but no. Keep reading.

I just don't have time to coordinate such a big yahoo. I'm helping with the Caring Hearts Card Drive and physically putting cards into envelopes hurts my elbow, just like typing does. The surgery that I had last year has helped but if I overuse it, I have to stop and ice it.  (Cubital tunnel and carpal tunnel on my dominate arm).
It has been a great experience being a distributor for the Caring Hearts Card Drive. Here are a few pictures of my basement, before and after talking to Vera. I have more to upload as time permits. I received 7700 cards. Amazing feeling to have 20 packages on the front porch and they were all for me, sort of. It would have been a great time to order something for me. Hubby never would have noticed another box that had my name on it.

When I first started blogging I did so to enter challenges and win prizes. Then it turned into I was blogging to be noticed or to be discovered for design teams. (Yaa...right. SMH)

I've been on a handful of design teams and each taught me valuable lessons. I met wonderful people with so much talent and met some not so nice people. I didn't like the stress I would put on myself to create awesome projects and then to write about them in my blog post. There was so much time involved in all of that and due to medical disabilities, time wasn't always available.

I like posting my creations here but recently I asked myself why? And the first two reasons that came to my head: 
Timeline as to when I made things.
And because of blog  labels, it's easier for me to search my blog and find graduation cards that I made then it is to search my computer.

So with all of that, I wanted to tell you that I have a bunch of cards that will be on the blog this week.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Congrats on 3,000 posts, Cindy!
    That is an amazing amount of cards for the card drive. Take it easy on your poor arm! I'm looking forward to your future posts when you get to them!

  2. Congrats on you 3000 post milestone. WOW! Look at all of those cards. Take it easy with your arm
    Have a great day!



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