
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

1970's Making Wine Layout

There are so many different...things about this layout that I don't even know where to begin but I'm going to try until my hands hurt and won't let me type anymore.
Here we go.
This LO sat on my desk waiting for the perfect thing for the center. 
I found a vellum sentiment. Yay!
Scroll down to picture 2.

I ran it thru my Xyron machine and it was at the end of the roll which made the adhesive splotchy and it had cardboard from the roll stuck to the vellum. BOO! That's not the word I used. It was more like some F's, some SOB's, and a favorite one that I have to say way too often, Are you F-n kidding me? 

Anyway, what sucks about this whole thing, is I checked the roll before sending the vellum thru and everything looked good to go. Umm, not so much.
So, the next picture.

I sent this photo to Ali, along with 2 other other mess ups that will be posted in the near future and she calmed me down. Thank you Ali.
I looked in my stash, which you all know, it takes forever to go through your stash to find that one thing. Plus it makes a hurendous mess because you pull out of fun things that you forgot you had. SMH! 
So I finally found CM stickers that matched the colors of my layout. I used two of them. But most importantly, this circle went over the tear. Yay!

Patterned paper by K and Co

Rust-colored cardstock is by Color-Aid and off white cardstock  used on the Cricut die-cut is by Bazzill
Chipboard wine and glasses by Paper Accents
They were painted with Ranger Industries copper paint
Letter stamps by Michael's for the wine label 

Journal box by Creative Memories. It was pink and turned rusty colored with the help of Distress inks.
That is Mimi's (My precious MIL) handwriting. 
Side note: In the beginning of this project in 2014, she was helping me. She had just gone into an assisted living home and I was newly disabled. At that time I could still drive and pick her up to do things. It was good bonding time.
Chipboard grapes are by Paper Accents. I painted it with white Distress paint as the base and then I watercolored with distress ink. 

The last thing to this layout, I used 
to create a little card for a pocket page but I ended up scrapping these photos instead of doing a pocket page.
The circle sticker is by CM

All together one more time.

Thanks for sticking with me during this busy month. 
Going forward, you will see me posting more layouts than cards. 
I need to get them off of my PC and onto the blog/web.
Thanks so much for looking


  1. Cindy, you are entirely welcome! (My first-time-ever being mentioned in someone else's Blog! *wink* So fun!) It's fun to talk scrappin' with other scrappers! This is beautiful, and I love that Mimi's handwriting was included on the LO. It really helps know more about one's family! That wine bottle and glasses are awesome, especially with the label you made! LOL at the quote stamp! Perfect. Wonderful, wonderful LO! I'm so looking fwd to more! :) ~ Ali

  2. PS, I also love the rustic earth-toned colour scheme you used! Lots of texture here, too! Perfect for wine-making, friends and fun. :) ~ A

  3. YOu had a lot going on here, however in the end the tear is covered beautifully, love the wine bottles and grapes they enhance the photos beautifully. Great job.
    Faith x

  4. Cute layout!
    Have a great day!


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