
Monday, May 23, 2022

Manly Monday Wishing you Card with a Promoted Woodgrain Embossing folder

I really like the way this card came together. The sentiment is heat embossed with clear embossing powder. Then I inked it with distress ink. The background paper and the jute are by Tim Holtz. The white cardstock has been dry embossed and then I would place a Gathered Twigs mini distress ink cube on top of the embossed area wait a few and then lift it straight up and place it on another spot. Let it sit for a moment or longer if I forgot about it and then again lift straight up.

Two things to note, I have shaky hands that jerk. <ClicK>  The jerking hands has been a problem when I’ve pressed send before finishing or proofreading a text or message. <ClicK> We’re back. Point is, my hand didn’t jerk sending the ink cube flying across the embossed background and/or across the room landing ink pad side down on the carpet. Second, it’s amazing that I didn’t drop the ink cube on the embossed paper. Thanks so much for stopping by. I have cards and layouts to post but injuries have prohibited me from going downstairs to my supplies and my PC. I now understand why people give up crafting if they don’t have a dedicated room to do so. You get I your stuff out and then have to put it away for dinner. It’s really hard to get your craft on that way.