
Sunday, December 04, 2022

Pink and Red snowman Christmas card

Hi. For my card today I used, Best Creations patterned papers, three different dies, two coloring mediums, and one sentiment stamp. So the dies are by Gina Marie in red, a Spellbinders die for my image, and an unknown die in black, The Spellbinders paper was inked with distress ink before I removed it from the die. The snowman is by Deep Red Stamps. I black heat embossed it and colored it in with powdered chalk mixed with paint and watercolor pencils by Stampin Up. I was able to smooth out the pencil lines with a water pen. The warm wishes sentiment is a stamp by Hero Arts.
I'm entering the 
Simon Says Stamp Anything goes challenge
I started doing this challenge more regularly about a month ago. I don't always make the card before the challenge ends. but that's okay because I use challenges as a way to spark my creativity or make me use supplies that I have. Last week's challenge was "not a card". I would have liked to use the challenge to get going on my calendars but Christmas cards took precedents. I will say that one of the recent challenges was to use foil and I finally pulled out the foil that had been in my stash for over a year. I'm not doing the challenges for the $25 prize because if I was I would get it done and linked up before the challenge expired. 
 I started thinking about how if I won the gift card that I would love to gift it to someone that doesn't have a lot of supplies and/or money to buy supplies. I have plenty of stuff but not everyone does.
So, I've decided that that's my new goal, Do the challenge, blog about it and link up before the challenge expires. Wish me luck and thanks for looking.