
Friday, July 22, 2011

Purple encouragement

Purple clean and simple card to spice up Friday. I used a ton of old products on this one. I love using up old supplies. My mom snatched this one up for her collection right away. As for supplies, the chipboard is by Colorbok; flower and brad by LSS; scallop circle punch by EK Success and bigger one cut by CC Storybook cartridge; STickles by RI; PP is UK but the CS is by DCWV and TPCo; rub on by Kaiserkraft. 

I'm entering this Get well card into the following challenges:
CCEStampers(TH CCEE1129)-Encouragement card
Digi Doodles (TH#68)-Clean and simple
Sassy Studio designs (TH#82)-Clean and Simple
Shelly's Images(TH7/21)-Show us what you got challenge
Crafts and Me Challenges(W#44)-add a flower
The House that stamps built(ends 8-2)-glitter on your card. (The purple scallop edge 
has purple Stickles on it)
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.


  1. Cindy this is just gorgeous! I can see why your mom snapped it up right away....and, I just posted on my blog almost the same thing about a card I just made using up old supplies....hahaha...'t you just love it when something from your "dusty" stash works out so well on a current card?

  2. Beautiful colours - so clean looking and elegant.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Digi Doodles Shop's Best.
    Hugs Shirley x x

  3. lovely colours! Thanks for joining the ‘Clean and Simple’ Challenge’ at Digi Doodle Shop Challenges. We hope to see you again next week!
    Debbie Dt x

  4. You can't go wrong with purple in my book! Gorgeous card! Thanks for joining the CCEE Stampers!

  5. What a great layout and I do love purple :D
    Thank you for joining us at Crafts and Me and good luck.


    Amy xx

  6. What a lovely card. Thanks for joining us at Digi Doodle Shop's Challenges

  7. What a gorgeous card! Thanks so much for playin' along with us this week for the Shelly's Images "Show Us What You GOT" Challenge.
    We hope you'll join us again soon! Hugs & Happy Days! ~Min
    Kaymin Kreations


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