
Sunday, December 05, 2010

Sassy Lil Sketches-United Calendar layout

I did this layout using the sketch from Sassy Lil sketches. It is another layout for the 11 calendars that have to be done by Christmas. So to spice things up for me I am using challenges and sketches to make it not so boring. This sketch was perfect for these pictures. Supplies: PP by Creative Memories and unknown; plain blue paper by Hot off the Press; white paper by Sunborn and The Paper  Co; ink by Colorbox, Close to my Heart and Stampin UP; mist by Tattered Angels; stamps by Clear Dollar stamps and letter stamps are unknown; border punch by EK Success. 
Thanks for looking.

Peace and Joy Distressed snowman with Lace Christmas card

This week at I Did It Creations (Challenge #32) our challenge is to create a vintage Christmas card. We are sponsored by Hope Jacare and you can find and purchase those images here. I'm out of my comfort zone for this challenge and am not really sure I have given the category justice, however, I gave it my best shot. Be sure to stop by the other DT gal's blogs to see what they came up with. But for now, here is my card.

Supplies: Crackle Paint by Ranger, Brads by Creative Imaginations, word stickers by Bo Bunny, Digital stamp by Hope Jacare, colored in used Stampin Up Aqua pens; patterned paper by Hot off the press; lace in unknown; chipboard plate by Tim Holtz's; ink by Ranger.

Known of the below are valid as of 6/21/21

So go check out the blog post over at I Did it Creations for some more amazing inspiration from our fabulous DT. You won't be disappointed.

One other thing I wanted to tell you about is the New Discount Club for Scrapbooking and Stamping Supplies Join now it's free! Click Below
Outlaw Women Scrapbook Emporium
a division of I Did It Creations
(you must be a member of the Yahoo Group
above to be given access to the shop)
They have fabulous prices and there is no membership fee involved. They also continue to add things to their shop on a daily basis and will take requests if they are available to them they will get it for you. It's worth looking into. I bought Spellbinders label one for $15. They sell them at Hobby Lobby for 24.99. If you have a few minutes check it out.

Thanks for stopping by.