
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tap dance Class with Teacher and student

Here is a layout I made with a sketch from Frosted Designs. The sketch is below and you have until (I think) April 18th to post it and link it back to Frosted Designs.
I also used this layout for a challenge at Two Peas last week. This challenge is going on the entire month of April. You have to have a stamped journaling spot on your layout. I did ask before hand if writing on the journaling spot was necessary to be able to enter the contest. With her approval that there did not have to be writing on the stamped journaling image I was able to enter this layout.
I am making a dancing book for a former student of mine and she was nice enough to allow me to use her layouts for challenges and to post on my blog. I think it helps keep the layouts all a tad bit different especially if you are using sketches. 
She is going to write in the book and therefore that is why the stamped journaling spot would be empty. Here's the sketch:

Here's another part of the layout that I thought turned out cool. If you follow my blog then you saw the other side of this layout on Sunday's post.  And if not you can see it right HERE. But in there and on this post I'm showing you what the image looked like prior to my decorating it. I wanted the show to look like a patent leather tap show and Glossy Accents by Ranger helped me with that. So below you are seeing the image before and a close up of the tap shoe after adding things to it and lots of drying time.

Thanks for stopping by today. Another Shannon's Sentiments will be taking over in 40 minutes. They are beautiful stamp sets with add ons and all kinds of other things that you won't want to miss. Have a great Wednesday


  1. Beautiful take on the sketch. I'm in love with the color scheme. Thanks for playing with us on Sketch Along Tuesdays @ Frosted Designs.


  2. love this project!! thanks for playing at frosted designs!

  3. What a great take on this Tuesdays sketch and she has on such a cute outfit.. Thnx for playing along with us girls over at Frosted Designs..

  4. Cute layout!!! Love the papers they go perfect with her sweet outfit!!! Thanks for playing along with us over at Frosted Designs!! Hugs!!!


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