
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shannon's Sentiments #15

Good morning and welcome to Shannon's Sentiments challenge #15 hosted by myself. This week we I would like to see fussy cutting on your project. You don't have to use one Shannon's images but you should go check out her freebies that she has to offer and maybe use one of those.
My card today comes from the Shower Time set (FYI in this set you get 24 images for $5.00. That is a great deal. Some companies you pay $3.00 for one image.):
I cut out the dress by Shannon's Sentiments but also the tag that it is on. The tag is from Miss Cutie pie. I colored in the dress with Liquid Pearls by Ranger color White Opal and for the sash I mixed the Liquid Pearls with color Perfect Gold Perfect Pearls. A little too much perfect going on here. The tag that the sentiment is on is by Tim Holtz painted with Making Memories paint. The die cuts are by SEI and the gold paper to the right is by Creative Memories, which has been discontinued. I also used Ranger distressing ink Walnut Stain for around the edges of some elements in the card.
I hope you like my creation and will stop by the other DT blogs and check out their creations and give some love. BTW comments are always appreciated on my blog as well. Here is the link again to Shannon's Sentiments challenge blog and then Shannon's Sentiments store for some freebie action. Then we have links to the other DT members and Guest DT blogs to check out what they have done:
and GDT Becky Givans
Can't wait to see what you create for the challenge and thank you for supporting Shannon's Sentiments:)
I'm also entering this card into the SEI Lifestyle Link Party #6
Be sure to stop by SEI for your chance to win a $25.00 gift card to You should go there just to check out and buy the bargains. Holy cow. I am in heaven looking at their clearance items. I could get into some trouble here. hehe. cya:)