
Thursday, August 06, 2020

1963 IRS Social Hour Scrapbook Layout

This is another layout for the family album(s)
Alphabet stamps by Lawn Fawn (Social hour), Close to my Heart (small in the upper right), and Stampin Up (IRS)
Drinks stamps by Paper Smooches with Glossy Accents and couch stamp by Hampton Arts
Patterned paper by My Mind's Eye and Tim Holtz (behind the photos)
Arrows are a punch by Stampin Up
The dollar sign is a Cricut die-cut leftover from the Loose Change card.

The Scrapbook dot com challenge was to use triangles something that I rarely add to my layouts.
It's a nice change.
Thanks for looking


  1. Nice layout!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  2. Fantastic vintage photos, LOL I get a kick out of how the ladies and men are always separate at the older parties! :) The sofa stamp is perfect here. That pp is also great: it "looks" vintage. Loved seeing this! What a treasure these albums will be! I am enjoying these pics! :) ~Ali


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