
Monday, November 20, 2023

Manly Monday Green Rub on background

Craft roulette

Project- A2
Color: Forest ColorS
Element- Starts with “H”
Random -Postage stamp

The background paper is watercolor paper by Strathmore. The pattern is a sheet of rub ons that I don’t know of any other way to use them. It would be a lot of work and frustration to get a little circle out of the center.
Anyway, I inked the background with green distress ink, sprayed the paper with regular water on it and wiped it off with a paper towel. That made the white stand out in the images. 

The Hero Arts sentiment was white heat embossed onto black cardstock and the layered onto Spellbinders die cut. The little tags were part of a prize and here’s a link to Layle by Mail

That’s it for me. Complaining—>I have so many things to do and not enough healthy days to do them. But, I woke up this morning and that’s a win. Thanks for looking.