
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January Calendar layout Grandpa Brian

Here we go with another year of Calendar layouts on Wednesday. This one was for my brother’s 2023 calendar. The blue background is the actual calendar base. February is pink. March is green. April is blue and so on. Sometimes I used the color instead of adding anything to it.
Anyway, I used some really old products for this layout. The snowflake paper circa 2005 and is by Colorbok. The large white snowflake on the right side was cut out with my Cricut. I have not touched my Cricut in well over a year.
The border at the bottom is a blue vellum by Creative Memories. The title on top is a Sunborn die cut and I can’t remember if the letters/words were in the circles or if I stamped them. I think that the letters are perfectly straight, so I’m going to say I didn’t stamp them.
Thanks for looking.