
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Black and white with blue Chipboard Card

The polka dot velvet patterned paper is by the Doodlebug. The white, black, blue, layers are chipboard pieces layered on top of each other. The blue chipboard is by Colorbok and the others are by American Crafts. The sentiment is by Fiskars. 

I’m going to try and explain this ribbon thing so that the future me will understand, maybe.

The ribbon is two sided; one side is black and the other is black with white polka dots. So what you’re seeing is both sides of the ribbon because the ribbon goes around the whole stack of chipboard you see the side with polka dots closest to the card base and when it comes out from behind the back you see the polka dots pattern. When it goes around the front, it passes through the belt buckle shaped chipboard and up to the top with the black facing front. Then I stapled them in place. It’s going to cost a little bit (a lot) of postage to mail it but it will be worth it.

 Thanks for looking.