
Saturday, January 09, 2021

Christmas card N Blue and gray layout.

I found this premade layout from a Novi, MI scrapbook convention class.
I cut it down to 8 1/2 x 11 to fit in my Christmas card books.

The patterned papers are all by Boxer Scrapbook Productions. 
I matted the picture onto black cardstock and left some at the bottom so I could circle punch silver cardstock. (both by Creative Memories) 
The number stamps are by Close to my Heart.
The blue matches her jacket and Mom's scarf and the dog bones with the edges inked brown matches the dog.
I love how it turned out. Maybe I should say, I love that the picture and the layout finally found each other to be lifelong friends. lol

Check out the bottom for my babbling.

This layout is about a former dancer of mine. She is a special young lady that I had the opportunity to watch grow up from a cute little girl to a grown woman. I loved her so much that I made her a large scrapbook for her graduation. 
Scrapbookers know that it takes time, a lot of time to make a scrapbook for a teenager. I wanted it to be perfect when she looked at it and I really wanted to be proud of the work I had done.

The scrapbook I made her showcased her years of dance. She started young with one dance for recital and by the end of her high school dance career, she was in multiple dances
Listen to this-She wanted to write on the pages about each dance. I don't like to journal so I was amazed and impressed by this 18-year old little woman.

I wanted to point out the sidebars:

 Type in what it is you're looking for and You can usually find it. I try to label each post to make it is easier 

This column shows the date on which I posted something 

It's interesting to see who has the largest numbers. There are a lot of stamps from, Deep Red Stamps and Hero Arts.

This is where I'm more specific about the project. Instead of saying "card", it will say "graduation card" or "thinking of you card"

This last label shows any products I've used that may be out of the ordinary

Thanks for sticking with me until the end. I've been falling asleep as I write/ type this out. I HOPE THE GRAMMAR IS SEMI CORRECT.