
Saturday, April 03, 2021

Cricut Egg Die-Cut Cards and frame

There are some cards that you make and when you look at them later with new eyes, all you can do is wrinkle your nose and shake your head. That’s me with these first 2 cards. 

I didn’t send this card out because you can’t really tell that the yellow part in the middle is an egg. Which is something I explain in the last project.

The die-cuts are from my Cricut 

The patterned paper is by Doodlebug. 

The second card uses a stamp with 
3 eggs on it by Studio G
I masked the eggs with Inkadinkado masking paper and colored them in with Copic Markers and colored pencils 

The sentiment is a die-cut by Cricut on the Holiday Cakes cartridge

Last thing,
My plan was to create these three frames for my bathroom. I made the two and became frustrated that I couldn’t get the frames to stay on the wall. So, I left the remnants of a third frame on the shelf with the three frames and then I asked my husband for help. He brought me into the bathroom to show me how to hang the frames for the next season. It was at that time that I saw how he used the leftover pieces that were on the shelf to finish the last frame for me. 
He had the back of one egg left which is why the first card in this post does not have an egg back like these ones. I still don’t know where the solid colored egg is.

I like his frame better than mine. Lol.

I’m entering the Bitten By the Bug Easter challenge 

Thanks for looking