
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Grandma LaFrate's 65th Birthday party Scrapbook Layout-

The left page is a pocket sewn onto Creative Memories patterned paper and blue cardstock.
The front of the pull-out page protector is a reprint of the same picture in the front. I reprinted the photo after I annotated everybody's name on their body.
On the backside of the annotated photo is where I used a VERY old title and made a small family tree.
Some other things on the layout:
The Fastener on the left.
Red and blue swirly stickers by CM
Cricut cut-out of a large blue star out of Colorbok patterned paper.
The stamped border (blue lines) at the bottom is a Stampin Up wheel.
At the very bottom is a CM border that was pointy. I took a corner rounder to each point.
The Cricut font is Beef Cakes (lol)

On the right side, I used the same Coredinations cardstock. The patterned paper is by Colorbok. Same border s and star as the other side.
For some reason, I cut the title out of off-white color and I disliked it. So I colored on the tops of every letter with a Copic marker to match the blue on the left. I have a Cricut drawer and I have a baggy of these red diamonds. I was so happy to find them and be able to use one on my layout.

These layouts have been on my table for a while. I finally just sat down and did them. The next layout will be of Paul's mother. That is the last page of that book and the project. The lack of interest to go through a book that I just proudly finished has hurt my feelings. I don't think they don't want to look at what I've done, I think it's those memories of what the home life was like. I'm not sure what to say so I don't push it and I don't have hurt feelings that I once had...before things were revealed to me. Thanks for looking.