
Friday, April 01, 2011

Christmas cards all year round

Wow! Where did Thursday go? I had a friend over for dinner and then went to work on clearing off my desk, which still isn't clean but as soon as I am done posting I am back to it. So sorry but I will have to post the owl cards for Manly Monday.

This month at Christmas Cards all year Round the challenge is to use an oval and then also add some ribbon to your card. I have made a few examples and will have more to showcase throughout the month as a reminder to get those Christmas cards started and entered into our challenge. Here are my three cards:

Here are the rules from the site:
*Remember if you do 5 cards this month following the challenge, your name will go into a draw for a prize at the end of April! (this challenge CAN be combined with any other blog or forum challenges that you do this month.)

*Please upload your cards to your blog, a gallery, or photobucket and remember to give us the EXACT links to see them.
*You can do 5 of the same cards or 5 different ones (as long as they follow the current challenge) If you do 5 of the same, please show us a picture of them altogether.
*If the linky isn't working for you for any reason, just post your link in the comments!
*Also, if at least 20 people create 5 cards we'll pick a second winner!

I hope you will all play along. Last month, the prize was awesome. I wish I could have won it.
Go over to CCAYR to see the other DT inspiration. There are some very talented ladies on this team.
Bye for today:)